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A Youth-led Breakthrough Strategy For Healing-Centered Communities

Healing Through

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Click here to read the Chicago Tribune story on this breakthrough initiative

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Through the leadership of young people of color, Communities United and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago are embarking on a partnership to invest in a next generation of Black and Brown youth in Chicago to create and sustain healing-centered communities.

This partnership will bring to scale “Healing through Justice,” a youth-led movement for healing. Over the past decade, Communities United youth leaders who have been leading organizing efforts across the city consistently shared narratives with a common theme–“organizing saved my life.”

Meet Some Members of Our Team:

When we dug deeper, and reflected on our shared experience as survivors, we embarked on a journey to evolve our organizing approach to what we call “Healing through Justice.” This framework for organizing acknowledges the transformation that occurs when we turn our pain and experiences with injustice into the power to create change - in ourselves, our families, and our communities.

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